Britain Is Open For Business – October 2013


1. Despite the government’s substantial range of measures to
reduce net migration to the tens of thousands by the end of the Parliament, the
UK remains very much open for business. There are numerous categories under
which people can come to the UK to work, do business and study, allowing people
to invest in and start up companies as well as allowing existing companies to
recruit workers from outside the EU to fill skills gaps in the labour force.
Moreover, there are no numerical limits on business visas except work permits,
capped at 20,700 of which only half have been taken up. There has been nothing
to prevent employers from bringing in skilled workers if they are really


2. This paper will explain each of the routes through which
people can come to the UK to work, do business and study and will outline the
latest statistics for each route. The paper will also discuss some of the
complaints that persist.

Read the full Briefing

8th October 2013 - Education, Employment, European Union, Policy, Visas/Work Permits

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