As some readers of this E-mail may know, the Home Office is holding a consultation on the plans to reform the asylum system announced by the Home Secretary on March 24. This really is an opportunity for you to have your say on what you would like to happen. Priti Patel has said that the main objectives of the proposed reforms is to deter illegal entry and the vile trade of people-trafficking, make it easier to remove people who have no right to be here and to end the rising abuse of the asylum system revealed in recent official statistics. The proposals came as it emerged that nearly 50,000 people have been detected entering the UK illegally (a quarter of them via small cross-Channel boats) since the end of 2017 (see our illegal entry Tracking Station). If you are able to, do contribute with your thoughts, even if it is to say this is a problem that needs attention. You can do so here.
Just this week 30 Conservative MPs from the ‘Common Sense Group’ wrote an open letter (reported by the Telegraph here) calling on the Prime Minister to back Ms Patel’s plans for reform. We have, of course, welcomed the Home Secretary’s announcement and determination to tackle asylum abuse and illegal immigration. If she is to succeed, the support of her colleagues, and in particular the PM, will be essential.
What is needed now is the necessary legislation to be passed by Parliament (which has in recent years become increasingly obstructive) and effective follow-through of the tough rhetoric – backed by unrivalled political courage. We will be responding as an organisation to the consultation and urge you to take part too before it closes at 11.45 on 6 May.

Blog of the week
Our blog this week summarised some of the vast array of new research that was released by the Office for National Statistics on immigration and population size earlier this month. Read the blog here. One ONS bulletin (here) estimated that the UK population had hit a record 67 million for the first time – growing by more than 300,000 in a year. Separately, they said that the most recent figure for overall net migration (including consideration of a net departure of UK citizens) was 282,000 in the year to June 2020. The ONS is engaged in a major review of how it both measures and reports immigration statistics (the review is not expected to be finished until 2023) – for more click here. These developments are of vital importance to those who wish to continue holding the government to account on immigration.
Migration Watch in the media
See below for our Chairman Alp Mehmet’s response to some of the week’s top immigration stories.
The Telegraph: Don’t let campaigners weaken Priti Patel’s immigration reforms, Boris Johnson told
‘The Common Sense Group of MPs are spot on and right to offer this fulsome support for Priti Patel’s proposals. They know that the plan is no more than fulfilling promises the Conservative Party made to the British people for firm and effective policies designed to control and reduce immigration. In fact, the new points-based system will have the opposite effect on both.’
‘Hurrah for the police. One might ask how people can still enter the country illegally in this way. These ten are, of course, only the tip of the iceberg, thousands get in and go to ground to add to the million or so people who are here illegally – for whom the Prime Minister has always been keen to grant an amnesty. That would be a mega-mistake.’
Guardian: Home Office to resume evicting some asylum seekers ‘with immediate effect’
‘Failed asylum seekers should be removed to their countries of origin or back to wherever they set off for the UK from, not set loose to roam freely and potentially go to ground. How will those evicted be monitored and how will their removal be pursued?’
Make your voice heard
Now our usual reminder of the action you can to take the fight to the mass immigration proponents. The people who want more and more migrants, especially those prepared to work for less money and put up (for a time) with onerous working conditions. Do please write to your local MP (you can do so by clicking here). In the 20 years of challenging the open borders establishment, Migration Watch UK have sought to articulate the concerns of the millions of people who want tighter control and much lower levels of immigration. It was the reason that Lord Green, as Sir Andrew Green and Professor David Coleman, founded Migration Watch UK. Since 2001 we have done so with rigorous research and persistent efforts to hold our political leaders to account. Immigration at current levels, even if the pandemic has distorted what is happening, has serious implications for the future of our society. If you share these concerns, do write to your member of member of parliament.